I began my photography business in 2015 and I didn't know where to start, what emails to send, or how to create a client experience. 7 years later, I've photographed more than 100 couples in 11 states and 3 countries, created a highly sought-after senior spokesmodel program, and mentored other photographers as they launched and grew their own businesses.
Her Senior Spokesmodel Guide helped me launch my own senior rep team in a way that was comprehensive and easy to understand. There was so much value in what she included in her guide and I could not have done it without her knowledge and guidance. She is one of the most knowledgeable and respected photographers I know. I can only hope to continue to learn and grow from her content and education."
and increased my team's size by three times. Thanks to her I have the team of my dreams, and she has been so valuable to the growth of my business-- I can't thank her enough!"
templates, guides, and one-on-one mentoring